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בת: 45


מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

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הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

Back with a song

(And a slightly worrying realization)


Hanging around home alone, Mrs. at some function I was happy to avoid. So I'm sitting here reading a book, and listening to music. More specifically - Carol King. When I first listened to her CD a few years ago, I was surprised I hadn't heard her name before, since I already knew half her songs...

Such a wonderful voice, and what a gifted song writer.

Yeah, so I just felt like sharing her with whoever still bothers to check if I'd updated.


Here she is, with a voice and a piano that can break your heart:



And of course there's this one, too.



As for the worrying realization business -

A while ago I got the audio-book version of the Harry Potter books. I listen to them in the car, mostly on the way to work and back home, and I'm loving it. With 20-35 minutes of driving everyday, I'm already well into the 3rd book.

Now, Mrs. is going on a work trip next week, and I figured I'd pack up the dog and go up to visit my mom and sister instead of being stuck alone in Jerusalem all weekend.

Here comes the worrying part - the first thought in my head after deciding on the trip? Was it sadness at being away from my wife for a few days? Was it joy at the prospect of seeing my family? Was it happy anticipation of 2 days' vacation from this city?


My first thought was "cool! Three whole hours of Harry Potter"!

Of course, all those other thoughts did come right afterwards, but the damage is already done. Is there a Harry Potters Anonymous?



נכתב על ידי , 9/2/2008 01:35   בקטגוריות The inner Purple, Purple pastime  
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